Coach Nada Gawish | Professional Grief & Life Coach
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My Coaching Story

Experienced. Certified. Supportive.

A Personal Journey of Healing and Resilience


  I am a woman who has traversed the depths of grief and emerged with a profound understanding of the human spirit's resilience. My journey, far from being linear, has been a tapestry woven with threads of personal loss, cultural immersion, and unwavering determination to help others navigate the complexities of life.


 My roots trace back to Egypt, a land steeped in ancient wisdom and rich traditions. Yet, my path led me beyond the familiar embrace of my homeland, embarking on a global odyssey that transformed my perspective.

In 2015, I ventured into the bustling heart of Russia, a land that unveiled the beauty of diversity and the challenges of adapting to new surroundings. The financial crisis that struck the nation left its mark, but it also forged within me a resilience that would serve me well in the face of future adversity.

My journey continued to Ukraine, where the vibrant city of Kyiv beckoned with its cultural tapestry and warm hospitality. Yet, amidst the city's charm, I witnessed the profound upheavals that shook the nation's very foundations. These experiences deepened my empathy and understanding of the challenges faced by individuals navigating life abroad.

Today, I find myself in Poland, a nation that has welcomed me with open arms and provided a sanctuary for personal growth and professional fulfillment.


A Personal Tragedy that Sparked my Transformation


  While my global adventures have enriched my life beyond measure, they have also been punctuated by moments of profound loss. A tragic accident involving a family member while I was living in Russia sent shockwaves through my world, leaving a void in my heart that no words could adequately describe.

As I grappled with the weight of this loss, I embarked on a personal quest for healing and understanding. My journey led me to discover the power of self-discovery, faith, and the unwavering resilience of the human spirit.

Emerging as a Beacon of Hope

The depths of my grief also ignited a passion within me to guide others through their own struggles. Inspired by my personal experiences, I embarked on a journey to become an ICF Certified Grief and Life Coach.


Through my personalized online and one on one sessions, I create a safe and nurturing space for individuals to explore their emotions, identify their strengths, and set meaningful goals. I empower them to navigate life's hurdles with newfound resilience and confidence, drawing upon my own experiences to offer empathy, guidance, and support.


  As a Fibromyalgia warrior myself, I intimately understand the challenges posed by chronic pain. However, I also embody the indomitable spirit that enables individuals to overcome adversity and reclaim their lives. My personal experiences have fueled my commitment to empowering others to live fulfilling lives, despite the obstacles they may face.


  My ultimate mission is to inspire and motivate my clients to embrace their authentic selves, fostering a deep sense of self-worth and empowerment. I am a steadfast companion on their journey towards a happier, healthier, and more fulfilling life.



 " If you are seeking a compassionate and experienced guide to navigate the complexities of life, I invite you to connect with me. Together, we can illuminate the path towards a brighter future, one fueled by unwavering resilience, deep spirituality, and a fierce determination to succeed. "


         Nada Gawish

 ICF Certified Grief Coach and Life Coach

life coach , grief coach, trauma recovery,mental wellness,
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